
Why is a synthetic lubricant an option for compressors?

Many air compressor owners often wonder why synthetic oil is a good option for their air compressor. Synthetic lubricant starts off as crude mineral oil but is then engineered and chemically altered to make it suitable for an air compressor.

This allows greater operational efficiency, a cleaner compressor operation, fluid life extension and protection of the components. At Jaguar Air Compressors, we believe that cleaner compressor operation is something to strive for as this reduces energy consumption.

Synthetic lubricant is cleaner, purer and does not consist of crude byproducts that can result in deposits. With a higher flash point than a mineral oil, synthetic lubricant allows your machine to run at higher temperatures and keeps it well-maintained when you need it the most. Use of a full synthetic lubricant helps to reduce corrosion, rust and varnish which can badly damage your bearing surfaces. If there is a clearance drop in your bearings, rust or varnish deposits, your machine could experience an increase in temperature, operational inefficiency, damaged bearings and lack of airflow.

Synthetic oils give you a much longer fluid life than mineral oils, enabling you to maintain your compressor at longer intervals. Although it is slightly more expensive than mineral oil, if you consider the extended fluid life and the other benefits, it is well worth it. Using a full synthetic oil allows you to run your compressor optimally, with decreased maintenance costs as your components are better protected and a reduction of energy consumption.

Finally, even if you decide to go the route of synthetic oil, always ensure that you conduct at least a quarterly fluid analysis to make sure that the health of your machine is still good and that the lubricant is still clean. If you keep this in mind, you should reap many benefits from a synthetic lubricant.

If you need further assistance regarding the correct lubricant to use for your air compressors, contact us & speak to our expertly trained advisers.